You are currently browsing the monthly archive for March 2007.

i am 30 years old!


But i think it’s not that bad being 30. Well i feel the same haha.

Anyway, i woke up today and immediately went to get some paper, wrote 0 to 9 on them, cut them up, folded them into 10 tiny pcs and picked 4 numbers for mum like what she would usually ask me to do on my birthday. I called her and gave her the 4 numbers so she could go buy 4D! hehe I hope she wins the top prize!! 😀

Last Thursday, after doing a site survey in the city, I took the tube back to the office. It was about 9.30am and there were still many people trying to get to the tube was quite crowded and I was carrying a backpack with me cos of all the equipment i had to lug around! Anyway, people were trying to get into the tube and I had to move in..and so I did.. and then i felt someone pushing me. I didn’t move much (cos I can’t!) and then i felt it again. Someone pushing me real hard from the back! So i turned around and there was this grumpy young chinese lady who glared at me and said “Can you not push me please?” GRRRR. I was quite annoyed because 1. I didn’t mean to push her! And I didn’t know my backpack was “pushing” her! 2. It’s the morning peak period what do you expect?? Get a cab if you don’t like to be pushed or touched!!! 3. I didn’t even had space then to move/put my backpack on the floor!Geez! What did she expect travelling in a crowded tube in the morning? A whole cabin to herself? Really! And I hate it when i’m being told off or scolded for something I didn’t mean to do especially in the morning!! She could have been nicer and said something like.. excuse me, your bag is in the way or something! Anyway, i told her “Well, I didn’t mean to! Bitch!” hehe. I said the word bitch quite softly but loud enough for her to hear! I hope she gets pushed around everytime she’s in a tube! Grrrr

We’ve recently bought a Wii from ebay at a very good price and have been playing every weekend. It’s really great fun!  I had so much fun playing tennis, golf, baseball, bowling and boxing! I played so much over the weekend that I end up having to go to work with a  wii arm! i.e. an aching right arm!

Oh yeah, playing on the wii gives me a really good workout.. It can be quite tiring sometimes especially boxing!!

So now my exercise routine is playing wii and spending 30min a day on the OSIM Uzap King on my tummy and 30min on my thighs every weekend! hehehe and occasionally a walk with the dogs and boyfriend of course.

I now have to remind myself to always warm up before I get on the Wii! hehehe

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