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When I was young(er), my mum forced me to have the cod liver oil. I hated it and have never had it since…

Today, I saw a bottle of it on the table and decided to have it since it’s supposed to be good for you!! And I want to be healthy and strong! Not like now! Coughing up phlegm every few minutes! Grrr! (at least the phlegm is now yellow colour! hehe)

Anyway, this time, I love Cod Liver Oil! It’s not as bad as it was used to be! (I drank the original flavour ok.. not the orange one for wussies hahaha) I’m going to have it every day.. just 2 teaspoonful will do! I don’t want to have an overdose of vitamin D!

Go on, try Cod Liver Oil today! It’s good for you, it is a good source of omega 3-fatty acid and “it has also been clinically proven to have a positive effect on heart, bone and brain health, as well as helping to nourish skin, hair and nails“. 😀

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