Reading Sharon Au’s blog has inspired me to want to study Japanese again. And I have been thinking about it for the longest time but have not done anything about it!


Since I cannot go to Japan like her (boo hoo hoo!), I will have to make do learning Japanese in England!

I’m thinking of signing up for evening classes at the University of London… Term has started so I can’t sign up for now… which is good cos I want to think it through and make sure I’ll not give up Japanese again!

I also stumbled upon  and it seems like it’s quite good and I can download and listen to the mp3 while I’m in the train on the way to work. If JapanesPod101 will work for me, then I might consider signing up for the class. I have signed up for a free trial account and was listening to some scary Japanese story! Kowaiiiiii!! So scary!!!


Anyway, I know how to knit already!! The scarf is going pretty well at the moment! My mother-in-law taught me how to do it. 🙂 Husband will soon have a warm scarf! I’m looking forward to knitting another one for myself and then go on to more interesting projects!!