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I finally made it back to the UK!

After packing and repacking for 39428048 times i made my way to the airport. I weighed it many times at home and I’m sure my baggage is about 24kg which is ok cos BA’s allowance is 23kg. So while checking in, this guy was moving around on the conveyor belt next to my check in counter and i got the shock of my life cos i saw the weight moving up from 24 to 27 then to 30kg! I was like “OMG! I’m gonna be dead! I’m way over the allowance!” …. THen i realised it was the man hehe.. turned out it’s 24.9kg hehe.

My flight was delayed for about 30min because 3 morons checked in and then didn’t turn up! I don’t know how such things can happen? Wonder where they went. Probably got drunk! So anyway, the airline offload their luggages and then we had to wait a while before we could take off because of the heavy traffic at Changi.

Oh yeah, my luggage was overweight by a kg

The flight was ok. Qantas now has on-demand inflight entertainment! YAY! I ended up watching Little Miss Sunshine, Babel and Borat. There were so many good shows but I was just too tired… I had to pause the movies to take a nap every now and then. Luckily there were not too many crying babies in the plane!

We arrived at Heathrow…30min after we were due to arrive! Then we had to wait for another 30min because the ground staff had some problems with the bridge! So we had to use the stairs! Finally i got to the immigration part and joined the Q with the least number of dodgy people! Hehehe my Q was going alright until the immigration officers decided to all go off and there was only 1 person left! So it was another long wait and after awhile more immigration officers came and my Q started to move again.

Finally got my passport stamped and then went to collect my luggage which didn’t take too long. I bet it went more than 10 time around the conveyor belt waiting for me to come claim it!

I am so jet-lagged. Woke up at about 3.30am today!! I think if this continues till Monday, i might just go to work early and leave early… 8 to 5am..

Lots of things to do before i start work..

1. Find a NHS dentist

2. Open a new savings account with Llyods TSB (8% interest!! only for first two years though)

3. Sort out the room and clothes and pack all summer clothes into boxes

4. Grocery shopping @ the Chinese supermarket…more rice!!

Finally, CNY is here…which means… in 4 days time, i’d be on my way back to the UK. I’m looking forward to go back there and start work and get on with my life (and also to start earning more money!) but at the same time, i can’t bear to leave my family again….

Anyway, it’s been a quiet chinese new year eve today. We had our reunion dinner a week earlier cos my bro-in-law had to go on a business trip… It was a good dinner and mum was really happy because my little nephews came (about 5 months now) …(they are triplets by the way!)

Anyway, i spent CNY eve queueing up to get 4D and TOTO for my mum and sister. The boyfriend and I also spent 4 hours at K-Box! I sang Kona Yuki (粉雪)6 times! Yes SIX! I still can’t sing it well though but it’s just one of those songs that you really feel good singing it especially if you sing it really loud! It’s also one of the theme songs of one of my favourite drama, One Litre of Tears. I could probably sing it for another 3243985 times but the boyfriend stopped me hehe.

Oh back to CNY eve, it’s just a quiet dinner with my mum and boyfriend. And also trying to get a Nintendo Wii on ebay. Some shops at Lucky Plaza are selling it but they tried to rip us off…ah well..and at least we have one less thing to pack. I think i’ve maximised my luggage allowance already.. or maybe exceeded it by a couple of kgs! I hope they won’t be too bothered about it! I’ve also maximised my hand carry. I’m carrying lots of my japanese text books with me. I think i’ll pick it up again…. well I better since they’re so heavy!

Ok i think i’ll do some surfing now and stay up for another hour or so (must 守岁 for my mother!)

Gong Xi Fa Cai everyone and Don’t eat like a PIG during the festive season ok! hehehe

That’s how I’ll remember Guangzhou.

The best thing about Guangzhou is the food..and that’s about it for me. It’s just too messy over there and people spit too much… I think it’s the bad air. The pollution is terrible.. and so is the traffic. It’s too dangerous to be a pedestrian in GZ too. Even when the man is green, the buses and cars would not stop! They didn’t even bother to slow down! It’s total chaos!

“Getting a cab there is a bit of an extreme sport” so says the boyfriend in an email to his mum. It’s quite stressful really to try get a cab especially during the peak hours. Everyone runs after the same cab!! I was quite annoyed when i got a cab and this chinese man refused to let me have it because he said he told the driver where he was going first! Bastard! And one of the taxi drivers was constantly talking on his mobile while driving and swerving lanes at the same time!!!!! I’m glad we got out alive!

We did meet some friendly people too… though not a lot. (And in our 4 days at GZ, only one person said “Excuse me” to us! The rest just pushed their way through!)  The ladies who sold us the paintings were was the lady who sold snacks by the side of the road.

I also got some rude stares because I’m a chinese girl going out with a big hairy gwailo. It annoys me when people look at me… not once but twice and then from top to bottom! Enough already! See one time enough lor! Must see so many times is it??? It happened today too while i was waiting for the lift (in Singapore) and this stupid uncle just kept turning his head back to look at me and the gwailo next to me. Grrrr. Me no like this…

Anyway, I’d definitely would love to go back to China again … but not for another 20yrs or so.

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