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Yesterday was the best day at work for me.. even though I didn’t had a great start in the morning.

Woke up with a really funny tummy and because of that I was late and couldn’t get my usual train to work. Finally got to the train station and waited for the other train to arrive but turned out it was delayed due to some train fault! Had to wait in the cold which wasn’t fun at all. I think it was about minus 2 degrees then! It finally came.. but after 20minutes we were told that the train had to terminate at Welywn Garden City! Had to wait again in the cold for the next train! It was so packed! But it didn’t take too long to get to London Kings Cross so that’s ok!

Anyway, yeah, yesterday was the best day at work! I wished everyday.. well almost everyday could be like this.. where everyone is happy!! The bosses weren’t around yesterday! And so wasy bossy girl! (Boss girl is quite a nice girl actually but she just makes people uncomfortable with her presence and we can’t play around when she’s around!) And there were only just 6 of us. No one could concentrate at all because.. well … it’s just hard isn’t it?

We turned up the radio and tried to work.. but most of us ended up surfing the net and doing some last minute shopping online! We ordered some christmas lunch and the guys bought some wine and beer and we were all drinking away and chatting.. We played pictionary too.. It was just so fun. There was also a round of jousting! Instead of horses, the guys used the office chairs hahaha and also umbrellas for the shield and the foam key board wrist rests as the sword/rondel. It was just too funny!!

It’s so much fun with the bosses are not around hehehe.

6 days to Singapore!!! 😀

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