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My company has the most inflexible working hours ever and it’s suppose to be flexible!

You see, we can work anytime from 8am to 7pm, as long as we work8 hours a day and be in during the core hours (10 to 5). Sounds alright, doesn’t it?

Well, yesterday, I told my boss that I want to change my working hours tomorrow, i.e. start work an hour late and go home an hour late.

Guess what he said?

Well.. he said… in future, I have to inform him a week in advance if I want to change my working hours. What the… ? Woohoo, this is so flexible lor! -_-

Only one hour and I have to give a week notice??

The mind boggles….

I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head this morning…

It felt as if someone made a voodoo dall of me and poked a pin at the back of the doll’s head! hehehe

It’s quite painful! It’s still hurts a little.. and I don’t recall hitting my head last night… or the day before…

Hmmmm maybe i should have a sickie tomorrow… hehehe

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